Mastering Behaviour Management: Empowering coaches to create a supportive environment for every pupil.

Are you a sports coach looking to create a supportive environment for every pupil? Our new Behaviour Management course is here to help you empower your coaching techniques and positively impact your pupils’ lives.

As a coach, you understand the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all children. PE, school sports, and physical activity enhance physical and mental well-being and teach valuable life skills. However, children come from different backgrounds and possess varying behavioural challenges, which can pose a challenge for coaches in primary schools.


To help you navigate these challenges, we’ve compiled some top tips for behaviour management.


1. Reinforce positive behaviour even when you’re not there:

As a sports coach, it’s essential to consistently reinforce positive behaviour, even when you’re not physically present. We understand that periodic visits to primary schools can challenge effectively managing behaviour. However, by collaborating with teachers, you can ensure that the positive behaviour you reinforce during your visits continues to be strengthened in your absence.

2. Striking a balance between addressing behavioural issues and keeping pupils engaged and motivated:

When teaching KS1 and KS2 pupils, it’s critical to strike a good balance between addressing behavioural issues and keeping pupils engaged and motivated. We understand that some pupils may resist behaviour management techniques if they perceive them as strict or disruptive to their enjoyment of PE and school sport. However, by utilising effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills, such as reinforcing instructions through body language and routines, as a coach, you can create a positive, inclusive environment which gives a clear vision of what is expected of the pupils.

3. Foster collaboration and communication between coaches and teachers:

The coaches and the school staff must work together to ensure pupil interventions and techniques are consistently implemented and behavioural issues are addressed effectively.

4. Identifying suitable activities for groups that have a mixture of abilities:

Coaches often work with classes that have a variety of abilities, which can lead to behavioural issues, for example, if a game isn’t suitable for all participants. As a coach, you must identify which games can be enjoyed by all pupils, regardless of their physical ability, since behavioural issues can be caused due to disengagement. Try alternatives to large team games and how to offer inclusive and adaptable program offerings that cater to a wide range of abilities and backgrounds, benefitting both pupils and schools.

5. Straying away from traditional teaching methods:

As a coach, it’s essential that your teaching techniques are inclusive and captivate pupils’ attention since a disengaged pupil is more likely to exhibit behavioural issues. Explore alternative approaches to teaching, like games-based learning and cooperative learning, as these alternative learning styles can improve pupil engagement and behaviour by making learning more relevant and meaningful.


Our Behaviour Management course is an essential resource for coaches looking to enhance their techniques. Led by Greg Dryer, a leading expert in the field, this course focuses on adapting your coaching techniques to foster a supportive environment for every pupil. Self-reflection is emphasised, allowing you to assess and improve your current coaching practices. By tailoring your approach to meet the unique needs of everyone, you’ll be equipped to make a lasting difference in their lives.


Ready to take the first step towards mastering behaviour management?

Experience a sneak peek of the course through our free mini-course. Take the chance to delve into the importance of behaviour management, gain valuable insights, and grasp essential components of effective learning.


Visit Aspire:ED’s website now to sign up and unlock a world of possibilities for your coaching career.