In the first episode of a new series of The Active Code, hosts Paul Griffiths and Luke Johnson are joined byJustin Coleman and Rudro Sen from Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice.

Who is Justin Coleman?

Justin is Co-Founder and COO of Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice, an organisation which was set up to reduce violence, crime and reoffending.

Justin is an expert in leading and delivering projects that use sport and physical activity in the Criminal Justice System.

He has won several awards for his work, including Prison Officer of the Year 2009 (Working with Young People) and a Major Butler Trust Award for his programme design and delivery.

Who is Rudro Sen?

Before moving to London, Rudro worked on the Just for Kicks programme in Mumbai, using football to support under-privileged teenagers to develop leadership skills and improve their life chances.

He continued in the Sport for Development sector at the National Citizen Service (NCS) in London, working with 15-17-year-olds from diverse backgrounds on summer activity programmes.

Rudro is now Project Manager for Alliance of Sport’s Levelling the Playing Field project which aims to use sport to address over-representation in the youth justice system.

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Twitter @AllianceofSport

The three will be covering:

  • Justin and Rudro speak about their goal of facilitating a network of organisations to create “can do” attitudes.
  • They discuss the importance of having positive role models in all communities, especially harder to reach ones, to inspire future generations.
  • Justin describes his belief that physical activity is something we should all “just do” and not need to think about.

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