In the series finale, hosts Paul Griffiths and Luke Johnson are joined by Steve Mitchell.

Who is Steve Mitchell? 

Mitch is a Skills and Sport Consultant and retired rugby player who believes that sport can change lives.

Mitch’s parents ingrained in him the importance of physical activity from a young age, and this led him to taking a gap year coaching in primary schools in Johannesburg, followed by a degree in PE and Sport Science at Loughborough University.

After graduating, Mitch worked in the public sector in a range of roles but most notably for SkillsActive, the Sector Skills Council for Active Leisure, Learning and Well-being, where he formed a passion for developing people in, through and across sport.

Mitch has worked with a wide range of organisations, including being Director and Chairman of Parkour UK and a Board member of Active Essex, the County Sports Partnership for Essex.

Now self-employed, Mitch works with several sporting organisations on initiatives related to people and learning. He is the Founder at Sporting People, Co-Founder at Sport for Confidence, and Trustee for Switch the Play Foundation.

Twitter @mitchskills | @switch_the_play | @sportforconf

What is the podcast about?

  • Find out how Mitch has connected with so many ‘top performing’ people in the industry over the past 30 years.
  • Discuss his experience in outreach and private education projects in South Africa and the foundation this gave him.
  • Hear what Mitch believes are the key traits of a leader and how to develop them.
  • Make comparisons to high performing organisations outside of our industry such as the customer-centric Metro Bank

Available to listen from Monday 30th August

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